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Appointment of David Spears Addington as Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Ronald Reagan
Appointment of Nelson C. Ledsky as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Appointment of William J. Maroni as Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary of the Economic Policy Council
Appointment of Carlyle Gregory, Jr., as Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the Office of Political Affairs
Appointment of Phillip D. Brady as Deputy Counsel to the President
Appointment of William J. Landers as Associate Counsel to the President
Appointment of William P. Longmire, Jr., as a Member of the President's Cancer Panel
Appointment of Craig O. McCaw as a Member of the President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
Appointment of John F.W. Rogers as Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Appointment of Harlan Hockenberg as a Member of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships