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National Advisory Council on Indian Education Appointment of Four Members.
Jimmy Carter
Office of Consumer Affairs Appointment of Esther Peterson as Director.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Appointment of Joseph B. Mahan, Jr. as a Member.
United Service Organizations, Inc. Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Governors and Four Members of the Corporation.
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Appointment of Governor Jerry Apodaca as Chairman.
South Pacific Commission Appointment of George Chaplin as U.S. Alternate Representative.
Student Loan Marketing Association Appointment of Five Members of the Board of Directors.
National Commission on the International Year of the Child, 1979 Appointment of 23 Members.
National Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members.
Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services Appointment of Thomas R. Jones and Sylvia H. Micik as Members.
National Commission on Air Quality Appointment of Edwin D. Dodd and Tom McPherson as Members.
National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and Procedures Appointment of the Membership.
National Advisory Committee for Women Appointment of 40 Members.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Appointment of James W. Haas as a Member.
National Commission on Unemployment Compensation Appointment of Bert Seidman and Delores G. Sanchez as Members.
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Three Members.
White House Fellows Appointment of 15 Fellows for the 1978-79 Program.
President's Commission on Personnel Interchange Appointment of Seven Members.
National Transportation Policy Study Commission Appointment of William H. Tucker as a Member.
Federal National Mortgage Association Reappointment of Five Members of the Board of Directors.