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Appointment of Four Members of the President's Committee on Mental Retardation
Ronald Reagan
Appointment of Caroline Leonetti Ahmanson as a Member of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Appointment of Charles M. Bloch as a Member of the National Voluntary Service Advisory Council
Appointment of Charles B. Wilkinson as a Member of the Board of Visitors of the United States Air Force Academy
Appointment of James S. Stockdale as a Member of the National Voluntary Service Advisory Council
Appointment of Paul B. Simmons as Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Policy Information
Appointment of Michael A. Driggs as Special Assistant to the President for Policy Development and Assistant Director for Commerce and Trade
Appointment of Three Members of the Commission on Presidential Scholars
Appointment of Two Members of the Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped
Appointment of James Curtis Mack II as a Member of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships
Appointment of Margaret DeBardeleben Tutwiler as Deputy Assistant to the President for Political Affairs
Appointment of Dorothy Maney Tella as United States Representative on the Statistical Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Appointment of Bruce Nestande as a Member of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Appointment of Enrico Mihich as a Member of the National Cancer Advisory Board
Appointment of Eight Members of the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere, and Designation of Chairman
Appointment of Maynard W. Glitman as the United States Representative for the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Negotiations
Appointment of Armand Hammer as a Member of the President's Cancer Panel, and Designation as Chairman
Appointment of the Membership of Emergency Boards Nos. 202 and 203 To Investigate Railroad Labor Disputes
Appointment of Victor George Atiyeh as a Member of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Appointment of Judith D. Moss as a Member of the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs