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Appointment of Anthony R. Dolan as Special Assistant to the President and Chief Speechwriter
Ronald Reagan
Appointment of Lawrence F. "Pat" Kramer as a Member of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Appointment of Eight Members to the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States, and Designation of Vice Chairman
Appointment of Edward J. Rollins, Jr., as Assistant to the President for Political Affairs
Appointment of Six Members of the Board of Directors of the Student Loan Marketing Association, and Designation of Chairman
Appointment of the Membership of the National Productivity Advisory Committee, and Designation of the Chairman and Executive Secretary
Appointment of Robert W. Searby as United States Representative on the Governing Body of the International Labor Office
Appointment of Three Members of the Marine Mammal Commission, and Designation of Chairman
Appointment of Four Members of the National Commission on Student Financial Assistance, and Designation of Chairman
Appointment of James W. Cicconi as Special Assistant to the President
Appointment of James E. Jenkins as Deputy Counsellor to the President
Appointment of Warner M. Depuy as the Alternate Federal Member of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Appointment of Charles L. Hardwick as a Member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Appointment of the Chairmen of the 10 Federal Regional Councils
Appointment of Three Members of the Intelligence Oversight Board, and Designation of Chairman
Appointment of 19 Members of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and Designation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman
Appointment of Charles S. Gubser as Chairman of the Permanent Joint Board on Defense—United States and Canada
Appointment of James H. Cavanaugh and Steve M. Jeong as Members of the President's Export Council
Appointment of Armand Hammer as a Member of the President's Cancer Panel, and Designation as Chairman
Appointment of Christopher C. DeMuth as Administrator for Information and Regulatory Affairs and as Executive Director of the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief