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President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Appointment of Charles H. Pillard as Vice Chairman.
Jimmy Carter
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Dennis A. Grotting as Commissioner of the United States Section.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of 18 Members.
South Pacific Commission Appointment of Vernon A. Mund as an Alternate U.S. Representative.
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Appointment of Joseph D. Gebhardt as a Member.
United Nations Appointment of Mathea Falco as U.S. Representative on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council.
White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development Appointment of 15 Members to the Conference's Advisory Committee.
Executive Office of the President Appointment of Richard Harden as Director of the Office of Administration.
Committee for the Preservation of the White House Appointment of 16 Members to the Committee.
National Commission on Neighborhoods Appointment of 15 Members to the Commission.
Delaware River Basin Commission Appointment of Sherman W. Tribbitt as Alternate Federal Member.
National Highway Safety Advisory Committee Appointment of 12 Members to the Committee.
National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year Appointment of Rita Elway as a Member.
Strategy Council Appointment of Seven Members and Designation of Executive Director.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Appointment of Patrick 1. Delaney as Alternate Federal Member.
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission Appointment of Neil S. Haugerud as Chairman.
National Institute of Education Appointment of P. Michael Timpane as Deputy Director.
Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization Appointment of John E. Downs as U.S. Representative.
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Appointment of Gerald V. Howard and Wymberley DeR. Coerr as Commissioners.
Maine Indian Land Claims Dispute Appointment of Three-Member Working Group.
National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members to the Committee.
American National Red Cross Appointment of Six Persons to the Board of Governors.
Law of the Sea Conference Appointment of George H. Aldrich as Deputy Special Representative of the President and Deputy Chief of the U.S. Delegation.
United Nations Economic and Social Council Appointment of James E. Baker and Ruth S. Morgenthau to Positions on the Council.
President's Cancer Panel Appointment of Elizabeth Miller as a Member.
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Douglas Fraser and Lloyd McBride as Members.
International Whaling Commission Appointment of Thomas Garrett as Deputy U.S. Commissioner.
U.S. Special Representative to the States of Antigua, Dominica, St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent Appointment of Frank V. Ortiz, Jr.
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission Appointment of Gordon Sandison as a Member.
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission Appointment of Richard C. Armstrong as a U.S. Commissioner.
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity Appointment of Arthur I. Blaustein as a Member and Chairman.
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Appointment of Six Members of the Commission.
Red River Compact Commission Appointment of Maj. Gen. Robert C. Marshall as Federal Representative and Non-Voting Chairman.
International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada Appointment of William M. Schreiber as a U.S. Commissioner.
Appointment of Arthur C. Upton as Director of the National Cancer Institute
United Nations Appointment of Edward M. Mezvinsky as U.S. Representative on the Human Rights Commission of the Economic and Social Council.
U.N. Commission on the Status of Women Appointment of Koryne Horbal as U.S. Representative.
President's Commission on Military Compensation Appointment of the Members of the Commission.
United States Circuit Judge Nominating Panel for the Tenth Circuit Appointment of the Members of the Panel.
Executive Committee on Reorganization Appointment of the Members of the Committee and Richard A. Pettigrew as Assistant to the President for Reorganization.