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Committee for Purchase From the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped Appointment of Three Members.
Jimmy Carter
Appointments and Nominations to the Panama Canal Commission Supervisory Board, the Panama Canal Consultative Committee, and the Panama Canal Joint Commission on the Environment
Recess Appointment of William Joseph Driver as Commissioner of Social Security
Special Assistant to the President for Ethnic Affairs Appointment of Stephen R. Aiello.
Emergency Board To Investigate a Railway Labor Dispute Appointment of the Membership.
United Nations Commission on Human Rights Appointment of Jerome J. Shestack as U.S. Representative.
Price Advisory Committee Appointment of Six Members.
President's Cancer Panel Appointment of Two Members and Designation of Chairman.
Commission on Proposals for the National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution Appointment of Three Members.
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Appointment of 11 Members and Designation of Chairman.
President's Advisory Committee for Women Appointment of Freddie Lang Groomes as a Member.
Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services Appointment of Two Members.
President's Management Improvement Council Appointment of Richard C. Leone as a Member.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of Five Members.
Marine Mammal Commission Appointment of Two Members.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Appointment of Four Members of the Board of Trustees.
United Nations Pledging Conference on Refugee Relief Appointment of the U.S. Delegation.
Panama Canal Commission Appointment of Fernando Manfredo as Deputy Administrator.
District of Columbia Law Revision Commission Reappointment of Stephen I. Danzansky as a Member.
National Task Force on Ridesharing Appointment of the Membership.
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Appointment of Three Members of the Advisory Committee on the Arts.
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Directors.
Pay Advisory Committee Appointment of Chairman and 17 Members.
Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy Appointment of Rev. Theodore Hesburgh as a Member and Chairman.
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Appointment of Jason Boe as a Member.
National Advisory Community Investment Board Appointment of Clanzel Thornton Brown as a Member.
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Appointment of Alton M. White as a Member.
National Highway Safety Advisory Committee Appointment of 12 Members.
National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children Appointment of Nine Members and Designation of Chairman.
President's Export Council Appointment of Robert B. Washington, Jr., as a Member.
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity Appointment of Ruby Duncan as a Member.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Appointment of Mrs. S. Henry Edmunds as a Member.
President's Advisory Committee for Women Appointment of Four Members.
President's Management Improvement Council Appointment of 19 Members and Designation of Cochairpersons.
United Nations Children's Fund Appointment of Marjorie Craig Benton To Be U.S. Representative on the Executive Board.
National Advisory Council on Adult Education Appointment of 10 Members.
Advisory Panel on Financing Elementary and Secondary Education Appointment of 15 Members and Designation of Chairman.
Counsel to the President Appointment of Lloyd N. Cutler.
International Civil Aviation Organization Appointment of Clyde W. Pace, It., as Alternate U.S. Representative.
United States Court of Military Appeals Nominating Commission Appointment of the Membership.
National Advisory Council on Vocational Education Appointment of 17 Members and Designation of Chairman.
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity Appointment of 14 Members and Designation of Chairman.
Commission on the Review of the Federal Impact Aid Program Appointment of 10 Members.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Appointment of Peggy Bolton as a Member.
National Commission on Air Quality Appointment of Leonard A. Schine as a Member.
Senior Adviser to the President Appointment of Hedley W. Donovan.
Resignation of Brock Adams as Secretary and Appointment of W. Graham Claytot, Jr., as Acting Secretary of the Department of Transportation
President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research Appointment of the Membership and Nomination of the Chairman.
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Appointment of Abbi Fisher as a Member.
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Appointment of Two Members.
Commission on Presidential Scholars Appointment of Three Members.
National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education Appointment of Four Members.
National Alcohol Fuels Commission Appointment of the Seven Public Members.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Four Commissioners of the U.S. Section.
United States Special Representative to Antigua, Saint Christopher-Nevis- Anguilla, and Saint Vincent Appointment of Sally Angela Shelton
President's Commission on Executive Exchange Appointment of 19 Public Members and 6 Government Representatives.
National Commission on Employment Policy Appointment of Nine Members.
President's Export Council Appointment of 27 Members.