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Appointment of B. B. Andersen as a Member of the Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business Ownership
Ronald Reagan
Appointment of Jean Ruley Kearns as a Member of the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development
Appointment of Peter J. Wallison as Counsel to the President
Appointment of George J. Adams as a Delegate to the National White House Conference on Small Business
Appointment of Six Members of the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
Appointment of Roger E. Birk as United States National Chairman for the 1986 United Nations Day
Appointment of Albert John Ossman, Jr., as a Member of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
Appointment of 14 Members of the President's Commission on Executive Exchange, and Designation of the Chairman
Appointment of William L. Ball III as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Appointment of Joseph F. Sutter as a Member of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident