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Statement by Mitt Romney: Obama NLRB Recess Appointments Will Hurt Millions of Middle Class Families
Mitt Romney
Statement by Rick Santorum on Iran
Rick Santorum
Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on Christmas Day Bombings in Nigeria
Rick Perry
Statement by Michele Bachmann Responding to Aloha Comment
Michele Bachmann
Statement by Newt Gingrich on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension
Newt Gingrich
Statement by Senator Santorum on the Passing of Wendy Jensen
Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on the Death of Kim Jong Il
Statement by Mitt Romney: Kim Jong-Il's Death an Opportunity to Turn North Korea Off the Treacherous Course It is On
Statement by Mitt Romney: "The Taliban is Clearly a Bitter Enemy of the United States"
Statement by Ron Paul Concerning Becket Fund for Religious Liberties Lawsuit
Ron Paul