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Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on Impending Execution of Pastor Youssef Nadarkhani
Rick Perry
Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on Death of al Qaida Leader Anwar al-Awlaki
Statement by Michele Bachmann Responding to Death of al-Qaeda Leader Anwar al-Awlaki
Michele Bachmann
Statement by Newt Gingrich - Why We Need A 21st Century Contract with America
Newt Gingrich
Statement by Michele Bachmann: Dubs Dodd-Frank the "Jobs and Housing Destruction Act" at Charlotte Chamber
Statement by Senator Santorum on Potential Republican Primary Election Calendar Changes
Rick Santorum
Statement by Herman Cain - Cain or More of the Same
Herman Cain
Statement by Newt Gingrich on Federal Reserve Announcement
Statement by Mitt Romney on Taiwan
Mitt Romney
Statement by Mitt Romney on Palestinian Bid for U.N. Recognition