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Statement by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on the Death of Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Bill Richardson
Edwards Statement On Passing Of Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald
John Edwards
Statement by Governor Richardson on the Supreme Court Global Warming Decision
Statement by Hillary Clinton Commending Governor Lynch, New Hampshire Legislature for Leadership on Civil Unions
Hillary Clinton
From the Senate: Statement on Supreme Court's Gonzales v. Carhart Decision
Statement by Senator Joe Biden Calling For Immediate Intervention in Darfur
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on the Supreme Court's Partial Birth Abortion Ruling
Mitt Romney
Edwards Statement On Supreme Court Ruling On Federal Abortion Ban
Statement by Senator Obama on the Supreme Court Decision Regarding Abortion
Barack Obama
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Supreme Court Decision to Uphold the Congressional Ban on Partial Birth Abortion
Rudy Giuliani
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on the Virginia Tech Shooting
John and Elizabeth Edwards Statement on Virginia Tech Shooting
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson on the Virginia Tech Shootings
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Tragedy at Virginia Tech
Barack Obama's Statement on the VT Tragedy
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on the Virginia Tech Tragedy
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson on Jackie Robinson
Statement by John Edwards Calling For Wolfowitz To Resign
Statement by John Edwards: The Surge Has Failed
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on Don Imus