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Statement by Elizabeth Warren - Let's Talk About the Woman Question
Elizabeth Warren
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - Leveling the Playing Field for America's Family Farmers
Statement by Tulsi Gabbard on Mueller Report Conclusion: Let's Move Forward
Tulsi Gabbard
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - It's Time to Get Rid of the Electoral College
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - My Housing Plan for America
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - This Women's History Month is for All the Little Girls Who Come After Us
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - Here's How We Can Break Up Big Tech
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - Here's What I Saw at the Border
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - The 3 Words That Led Me to First Run for Office
Statement by John Delaney on Intention to Campaign in All 50 States, DC, and Puerto Rico
John Delaney
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - How We're Building Our New Presidential Campaign
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - The Biggest Threat: A President Permanently Excusing Wrongdoings
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - The Best President Money Can't Buy
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - My Plan for Universal Child Care
Statement by John Delaney: Democratic Primary Will Be a Choice Between Socialism and a More Just Form of Capitalism
Statement by Elizabeth Warren - My Valentine's Day Tradition
Statement by Julián Castro: On the U.S. / Mexico Border
Julián Castro
Statement by Julián Castro on a Reimagined Justice System
Statement by John Delaney on DNC Debate Announcement
Op-Ed by John Delaney: Why I'm Running for President
Hillary Clinton Statement on Las Vegas Trump Hotel Labor Law Violations
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on Diwali
Hillary Clinton Statement on Planned UNESCO Vote on Jerusalem
Statement From Hillary Clinton On California National Guard Scandal
Hillary Clinton Statement on Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew's 25th Anniversary as Head of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Statement by Tim Kaine on Trump's Most Recent Comment About Accepting Election Outcome
Tim Kaine
National Council of La Raza Action PAC Endorses Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on Alleged Plot Against Somali Community
Hillary Clinton Statement on Appointment of Antonio Guterres as UN Secretary General
Clinton to Republicans: 'Stop Playing Politics' with Miners' Benefits
Hillary Clinton Statement on Hurricane Matthew Aftermath
Statement from Hillary Clinton on Hurricane Matthew
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement By Association of Professional Flight Attendants
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement of Association of Flight Attendants
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Jewish High Holidays
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Emerge USA PAC Endorsement
Hillary Clinton Statement on Every Voice Endorsement
Hillary Clinton Statement on Protecting and Restoring the Great Lakes
Hillary Clinton's Open Letter to Wells Fargo Customers
Hillary Clinton Statement on Apparent Terrorist Attacks