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Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Supporting Administration Plan for Middle East Peace Conference
Bill Richardson
Statement by Senator Joe Biden Demanding Investigation Into MRAP Delay
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Applauding California Democratic Party for Approving Resolution Calling for Congress to De-authorize Iraq War
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Commending House, Calls for Further Action on Iraq
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on Reported Bush Administration Intelligence Document
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson - Says President Sees Iraq War through "Rose Colored Glasses"
Edwards Statement On President Bush Remarks On Iraq
John Edwards
Edwards Statement On Carried Interest
Statement by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Praising ONE Campaign, Calls for a Marshall Plan for the 21st Century
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson and First Lady Barbara Richardson on the Passing of Lady Bird Johnson
Edwards Statement On The Death Of Lady Bird Johnson
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on the Death of Lady Bird Johnson
Rudy Giuliani
Edwards Statement On The War In Iraq
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on the Upcoming Defense Authorization Bill
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson: It's Time to End the Iraq War
Edwards Statement On Unfilled Posts In The Department Of Homeland Security
Edwards Statement On Senate Push For Iraq Troop Withdrawal
Statement of Hillary Clinton on Live Earth
Hillary Clinton
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Venezuela's Independence Day
Mitt Romney
Edwards Statement On Independence Day
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Fourth Of July
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Independence Day
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on President Bush Commuting Scooter Libby's Sentence
Edwards Statement On President Bush Commuting Libby's Sentence
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson on Bush Commutation of Libby Sentence
Statement of Hillary Clinton on Libby Commutation
Obama statement on Bush decision to commute Libby's sentence
Barack Obama
Obama: Supreme Court ruling an obstacle to opportunity
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Lewis Libby
Governor Bill Richardson Statement on Unrest in Iran
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Today's Senate Immigration Vote
Edwards Statement On Supreme Court Decision On School Diversity Cases
Statement of New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on the Senate Immigration Bill
Hillary Clinton Statement on School Desegregation Case
Statement by John Edwards Expressing Concern About Radical Shift Of Supreme Court
Richardson's Statement on President Bush's Threat to Veto DC Appropriations Bill over Domestic Partner Registry
Obama Statement on Stalled Ethics Reform in Congress
Statement by Rudy Giuliani Regarding Today's Senate Immigration Vote
Edwards Statement On Senate Failure To Pass The Employee Free Choice Act
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Prime Minister Tony Blair