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Edwards Statement On General Petraeus Remarks
John Edwards
Statement by Fred Thompson Slamming MoveOn.org For Libelous Attack On General Petraeus
Fred Thompson
Edwards Statement On Congressional Testimony By General Petraeus And Ambassador Crocker
Statement by Senator Obama Calling for Immediate Change of Course in Iraq
Barack Obama
Statement by Senator Obama on Fairness in the Jena 6 Case
Statement of Governor Bill Richardson in Commemoration of the Sixth Anniversary of the September 11 Attacks
Bill Richardson
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Today's Iraq Testimony
Mitt Romney
Statement of Governor Bill Richardson on the Congressional Testimony of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker
Statement by Fred Thompson Regarding Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus' Testimony Before Congress
Obama Statement on the Culinary Workers Union Local 226 Settling Contract with the Stratosphere Las Vegas Hotel and Casino
Statement by John Edwards Responding To Republican Candidate Fred Thompson's Troubling Comment On Bin Laden
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Bin Laden Video Release
Obama statement on Job Loss Numbers
Hillary Clinton Statement on August Jobs Report
Hillary Clinton
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on Upcoming Nevada Culinary Workers Strike Vote
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement of Governor Bill Richardson on the August Jobs Report
Statement by Fred Thompson on Osama bin Laden
Edwards Statement On Record August Job Loss
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Luciano Pavarotti
Rudy Giuliani
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Saying Potential Senate Compromise on Iraq War Will "Allow the Bloodshed to Continue"
Edwards Statement On Federal Subsidies For Student Loans
Edwards Statement On Report That Congress May Cave On Iraq Withdrawal Date
Hillary Clinton Statement on Recent Recall of Toys
Edwards Statement On Most Recent Mattel Toy Recall
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Passing Of Former Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn (R-WA)
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Passing Of Congressman Paul Gillmor (R-OH)
Obama statement on Iranian-American scholar's release from Iran
Edwards Statement On Bush Iraq Visit
Edwards Statement On Bush's Open Highways Initiative
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on President Bush's Trip to Iraq
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on Labor Day
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Labor Day
Edwards Statement On Reports Of Rising Civilian Death Tolls In Iraq
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Honoring American Workers in Recognition of Labor Day
Governor Bill Richardson Statement on Resignation of Senator Larry Craig
Obama: Bush Proposal on Lending Does Not Go Far Enough
Statement by Hillary Clinton On President Bush's Belated Response to the Foreclosure Crisis
Statement of Hillary Clinton on Culinary Workers Vote Authorizing Action Against Grand Sierra Resort
Statement by Bill Richardson Declaring Bush's Plan on the Mortgage Crisis to be "Too Little, Too Late"
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Retirement Of Senator John Warner
Statement of Governor Bill Richardson on the Bush Administration's Harsh Rules for Children's Health Care
Edwards Statement On GAO Report On Iraq
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Iowa's Defense Of Marriage Act
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Calling on Congress to Stand up to George Bush on the Iraq War
Edwards Statement On Reports That Bush Plans To Ask For Additional Iraq Funding
Clinton Statement on Hurricane Katrina Anniversary
Edwards Statement On Two-Year Anniversary Of Hurricane Katrina
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Increase in Uninsured
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on The Second Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
Obama Statement on 2006 Poverty Numbers
Statement by Rudy Giuliani Regarding the Second Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Honoring Victims of Hurricane Katrina, Calls for Administration to Fulfill Promises to New Orleans and the Nation
Edwards Statement On New Census Data On Poverty In America
Statement by Senator Obama on President Bush's Speech to the American Legion
Obama Statement on the Resignation of Alberto Gonzales
Edwards Statement On The Resignation Of U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Governor Bill Richardson Statement on Alberto Gonzales Resignation
Edwards Statement On The Resignation Of U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Following Remarks By Bush
Statement by Senator Obama on Lance Armstrong's Efforts to Raise Cancer Awareness
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on the Resignation of Attorney General Gonzales