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Remarks on Plans To Nominate Secretary Kennedy as Ambassador-at-Large and Governor Connally as Secretary of the Treasury
Richard Nixon
Remarks on the Selection of Congressman Bush as United States Representative to the United Nations
Remarks to Reporters About Nominations to the Supreme Court
Remarks Announcing Nominees to the Council on Environmental Quality
Remarks at an Informal Meeting With Members of the White House Press Corps on Judge Haynsworth's Nomination to the Supreme Court
Statement Announcing the Nomination of Dr. Arthur F. Burns as a Member of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Remarks Introducing Donald E. Johnson, Nominee for Administrator of Veterans Affairs
Conversation With Newsmen on the Nomination of the Chief Justice of the United States
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Judge Warren Earl Burger To Be Chief Justice of the United States
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Representative Donald Rumsfeld as Director, Office of Economic Opportunity
Statement Announcing the Nomination of John G. Veneman as Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Statement Announcing the Nomination of Dr. James E. Allen, Jr., as Assistant Secretary for Education and Commissioner of Education
Statement About the Nomination of Gerard C. Smith as Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Remarks Upon Announcing Resignation of George W. Ball and Intention To Nominate J. Russell Wiggins as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President on His Intention To Nominate Walter E. Washington and Thomas W. Fletcher as Commissioner of the District of Columbia and Assistant to the Commissioner
Remarks to the Press Announcing the Nomination of Warren Christopher as Deputy Attorney General
Remarks to the Press Announcing the Nomination of Thurgood Marshall as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
The President's Remarks to the Press Upon Announcing His Intention To Nominate Ramsey Clark as Attorney General
Statement by the President on Announcing His Intention To Renominate Lawrence J. O'Connor, Jr., to the Federal Power Commission
Remarks on Announcing Intention To Nominate Dr. William H. Stewart as Surgeon General, Public Health Service