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Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following a Meeting With Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Jimmy Carter
Fort Hood, Texas Informal Exchange With Reporters.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Remarks Announcing Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978.
Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Peterson Field.
Portland, Oregon Informal Exchange With Reporters Upon Departure From the Olson Residence.
National Energy Plan Remarks Urging Congressional Action on the Plan.
Remarks on Senate Ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty
Tax Reduction and Reform Remarks Concerning Proposals Submitted to the Congress.
Emergency Agricultural Legislation Remarks on House of Representatives Action on H.R. 6782.
The President's Trip to Africa Remarks During a Briefing for Reporters on Board Air Force One en Route to Monrovia, Liberia