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Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following Meetings Between the President and General Obasanjo in Lagos, Nigeria
Jimmy Carter
Informal Exchange With Reporters Following Meetings Between President Carter and President Perez in Caracas, Venezuela
Winston-Salem, North Carolina Informal Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
Labor Disputes in the Coal Industry Remarks on the Stalemate in the Negotiations.
Dobbins Air Force Base, Georgia Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Arrival.
Middle East Negotiations Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Board Air Force One en Route to Georgia.
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the President's Overseas Trip on Board Air Force One en Route to the United States
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of G. William Miller To Be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Warner Robins Air Force Base, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters on Boarding Air Force One.
Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to Visiting Allie Smith.