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Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Abdelfattah Said Elsisi of Egypt and an Exchange With Reporters in Biarritz, France
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Remarks Following a Meeting on Trade With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and an Exchange With Reporters in Biarritz, France
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and an Exchange With Reporters in Biarritz, France
Remarks in a Working Breakfast With Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom and an Exchange With Reporters in Biarritz, France
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Departure for Biarritz, France
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Robert J. Cousy and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Departure for Louisville, Kentucky
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters in Morristown, New Jersey
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Klaus Iohannis of Romania and an Exchange With Reporters