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Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Togo D. West, Jr., as Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs and an Exchange With Reporters
William J. Clinton
Remarks on the 1998 Budget and the International Agreement on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Jiang Zemin of China in Vancouver
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto of Japan in Vancouver
Remarks on Arrival and an Exchange With Reporters in Denver, Colorado
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Fast-Track Trade Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas
Remarks on Senate Action on Fast-Track Trade Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Remarks on Welfare Reform and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Ezer Weizman of Israel and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Campaign Finance Reform Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Signing Line Item Vetoes of the Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1998, and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Announcing a Food Safety Initiative and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Congressional Action on Education Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters