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Remarks Following Discussions With President Boris Yeltsin of the Republic of Russia
George Bush
Remarks and an Exchange With Soviet Journalists on the Upcoming Moscow Summit
Remarks on the Nominations of Robert M. Gates and Clarence Thomas and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Cabinet Meeting
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Exchange With Reporters in Istanbul, Turkey
Exchange With Reporters in Athens, Greece
Exchange With Reporters in London, United Kingdom
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Foreign Minister Aleksandr Bessmertnykh of the Soviet Union
Exchange With Reporters on START Negotiations and Possible Soviet-United States Summit
Remarks on the London Economic Summit and an Exchange With Foreign Journalists
Remarks Commemorating the First Anniversary of the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With the Congressional Black Caucus
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Sadako Ogata, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Boris Yeltsin of the Republic of Russia
Exchange With Reporters