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Statement on Signing a Bill Designating Certain Sections of the National Wildlife Refuge System as the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
Ronald Reagan
Remarks on Signing the Child Protection Act of 1984
Statement on Signing the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1983
Statement on Signing a Bill Appropriating Funds for the Clement J. Zablocki Outpatient Facility at the Children's Hospital in Krakow, Poland
Remarks on Signing the Agricultural Programs Adjustment Act of 1984
Statement on Signing the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act
Statement on Signing a District of Columbia Courts Bill
Statement on Signing the Veterans' Compensation and Program Improvements Amendments of 1984
Statement on Signing the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act Amendments of 1983
Remarks on Signing the Local Government Fiscal Assistance Amendments of 1983