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Statement by the President Upon Signing the Federal Flood Insurance Act of 1956.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Pertaining to the Great Plains Conservation Program.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Amend the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Health Amendments Act of 1956.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Customs Simplification Act of 1956.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Improve Budgeting and Accounting Methods and Procedures.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Establishing a New Survivor Benefit Program for the Uniformed Services
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Social Security Amendments of 1956.