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Statement on Signing the Bill To Extend the Period Prohibiting Revision of the District of Columbia Criminal Code.
Gerald R. Ford
Statement on Signing the Child Day Care Bill.
Remarks Upon Signing the Child Day Care Bill
Statement on Signing the Income Tax Reform Bill.
Remarks Upon Signing the National Swine Flu Immunization Program of 1976
Statement on Signing a Supplemental Security Income Bill.
Statement on Signing the Housing Authorization Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1976.
Remarks Upon Signing the Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1976
Statement on Signing the Bill Extending the Medicare Program.
Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act, 1977.
Statement on Signing the Horse Protection Act Amendments of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1976.
Remarks Upon Signing the Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1976
Statement on Signing the Emergency Food Stamp Vendor Accountability Act of 1976.
Remarks Upon Signing Legislation Establishing the Valley Forge National Historic Park
Statement on Signing the International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1976.
Remarks Upon Signing an Income Tax Reduction Extension Bill