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Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 16
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs National Flood Insurance Act
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.J. Res. 1
Remarks on Signing Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Legislation Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Statement on Signing the National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002
Statement on Signing Legislation To Reauthorize the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998 and for Other Purposes
Statement on Signing the E-Government Act of 2002
Remarks on Signing the Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act of 2002 and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Signing the North American Wetlands Conservation Reauthorization Act
Statement on Signing the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003
Remarks on Signing the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks on Signing the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003
Statement on Signing the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003
Remarks on Signing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
Statement on Signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002
Statement on Signing the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002
Remarks on Signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002
President Signs Housing Assistance and Pledge of Allegiance Bills
Statement on Signing the Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: President Signs Bills into Law
Statement on Signing Legislation To Provide for Improvement of Federal Education Research, Statistics, Evaluation, Information, and Dissemination, and for Other Purposes
Statement on Signing the 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act
Statement by the Press Secretary on Bills Signed Into Law
Statement on Signing the Niagara Falls National Heritage Area Study Act
Statement on Signing the Help America Vote Act of 2002
Remarks on Signing the Help America Vote Act of 2002
Statement on Signing the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002
Remarks on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2003 and the Military Construction Appropriation Act, 2003
Statement on Signing the Russian Democracy Act of 2002
Statement on Signing the Military Construction Appropriation Act, 2003
Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2003
Statement on Signing the Sudan Peace Act
Statement on Signing the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002
Remarks on Signing the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002
Statement on Signing the Vicksburg National Military Park Boundary Modification Act of 2002
Statement on Signing a Continuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2003
Statement on Signing the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003
Statement on Signing the John F. Kennedy Center Plaza Authorization Act of 2002
Statement on Signing Legislation on the Codification of Laws Related to Public Buildings, Property, and Works