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Letter Accepting the Resignation of Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Representative to the United Nations.
Gerald R. Ford
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on Administration Actions To Control Federal Travel.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of H. R. Crawford, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing Management
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the Situation in Angola.
Letter to Ambassador Laurence H. Silberman on United States Participation in the International Labor Organization.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Secretary of Labor John T. Dunlop.
Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Concerning the Nomination of George Bush To Be Director of Central Intelligence
Letter to Vice President Rockefeller on Receiving the Report of the President's Panel on Federal Compensation.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and Senate Committee Chairmen Reporting on Discussions With Turkey on Control of Opium Poppies
Letter to the Speaker of the House and Senate Committee Chairmen Recommending Economic and Military Assistance for Greece.