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Letter Responding to the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Request for Access to Presidential Tape Recordings
Richard Nixon
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury About Secret Service Testimony Before Congressional Committees.
Letter Responding to the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Request for Presidential Testimony and Access to Presidential Papers
Letter to Governors Urging Support for Energy Conservation Measures.
Letter to the United Nations Secretary General About West Africa Drought Relief Measures
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Herbert G. Klein as Director of Communications for the Executive Branch.
Letter to President Thieu About the "Land to the Tiller" Program in the Republic of Vietnam.
Letter to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Transmitting Proposals To Authorize Reduction or Suspension of Import Barriers
Letter to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Proposing Enactment of Foreign Assistance Legislation for Fiscal Year 1973
Letter Accepting the Resignation of George W. Romney as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Letter to William D. Ruckelshaus, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Directing the Impoundment of Funds Appropriated by Congress in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972
Letter to Ambassador Gerard C. Smith on the Opening of the Second Round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks in Geneva.
Letter to Four Members of the Advisory Panel on South Asian Relief Assistance.
Letter to Chairman Nikolai V. Podgorny of the Soviet Union Accepting for the United States the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Arthur K. Watson as United States Ambassador to France.
Letter to Representative Peter A. Peyser Supporting Legislation To Prevent Heroin Maintenance Programs.
Letter to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on Pending Revenue Sharing and Welfare Reform Legislation.
Letter Congratulating the Board of Foreign Scholarships on its 25th Anniversary.
Letter to Prime Minister Golda Meir on the Inauguration of Communications Satellite Service for Israel.
Letter About the Death of the Metropolitan Opera's General-Manager, Goeran Gentele