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Telegram Expressing Appreciation for a Resolution of Support by the Virginia Republican Convention.
Herbert Hoover
Letter to the International Falls City Council on Its Protest Against Prohibition Enforcement Incidents.
Letter to the Speaker of the House Recommending Appropriations for the Federal Farm Board.
Letter Regretting Inability To Attend Independence Day Americanization Ceremonies in New York City.
Letter on the Resignation of J. Reuben Clark as Under Secretary of State.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Hubert Work as Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Herbert M. Lord as Director of the Budget.
Letter to Secretary of Commerce Robert P. Lamont on the Establishment of an Interdepartmental Committee To Study Marine Mail Contracts.
Letter to Louis Wiley on His 60th Birthday.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Mabel Walker Willebrandt as Assistant Attorney General.
Letter to Jane T. Whitaker on Her 100th Birthday.
Letter Accepting Honorary Presidency of the International Longfellow Society.
Letter on the Award to Alfred E. Smith of the Laetare Medal From the University of Notre Dame.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Eugene Meyer as Federal Farm Loan Commissioner.
Letter to William A. DeGroot Removing Him From Office
Letter Accepting Honorary Chairmanship of the Sponsorship Committee of the Edison Pioneers.
Letter to Chairman Clarence D. Clark Regarding His Position in the International Joint Commission
Letter to Senator Charles L. McNary on the Export Debenture Plan of Farm Relief.
Letter Accepting Appointment as Honorary Head of the United States Flag Association.
Letter to Isaac Kip Expressing Appreciation for His Vote Cast Under Difficulties.