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Letter Accepting Honorary Chairmanship of a Committee To Extend 4-H Club Work.
Herbert Hoover
Letter to the Hon. Horace M. Towner, Governor of Porto Rico, on the Status of Porto Rico
Calvin Coolidge
Letter to the President of the National Negro Business League Dr. Robert R. Moton
Letter to Charles F. Gardner on Equality of Rights
Letter to the Hon. Manuel Roxas, Chairman The Philippine Mission, on Relations with the Philippine Islands
Letter to Judge E. H. Gary on Abolition of the Twelve-Hour Day in the Steel Industry
Warren G. Harding
Letter to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge on Opposition to Calling an International Economic Conference
Note to Council of League of Nations Accepting Request to Mediate Between Armenians arid Turks
Woodrow Wilson
Letter Read at the Jackson Day Dinner
Telegram to the President of the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers on the Boston Police Strike
Letter to Bernard M. Baruch Requesting Acceptance of Nomination as Chair of the War Industries Board
Letter of Reply to the Pope
Letter to Republican Governors Declaring Willingness to Accept the Nomination for the Presidency
Theodore Roosevelt
Letter to Richard A. Ballinger Accepting His Resignation as Secretary of the Interior
William Howard Taft
Letter to Chief of the United States Forest Service Gifford Pinchot Notifying Him of His Dismissal from Office
Letter to Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Ballinger on Coal Land Claims in Alaska
Letter to Jacob H. Schiff, Read at the Celebration Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Landing of the Jews in This Country Held at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Letter to Kermit Roosevelt
Letter to Anna Cabot Mills Lodge
Letter to the Gettysburg Committee on Memorial Day Exercises
William McKinley