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Letter on Appropriations for Strategic War Materials.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter Recommending an Increase in the Credit Fund.
Letter to the Pope on Peace and Relieving Suffering.
Letter on Better Housing for Middle Income Groups.
Letter Thanking the War Resources Board of 1939.
Letter Merging The National Defense Power Committee and the National Power Policy Committee.
Letter on Peace in the Ranks of Labor.
Invitations to Foreign Nations to Continue Participation in the New York World's Fair.
A Second Letter to Chancellor Hitler
Letter Praising the United States Maritime Commission.
Advice to the Convention of Young Democratic Clubs of America.
Letter on Legislation for a National Policy in Oil Conservation.
Letter on Legislation to Conserve Reindeer Herds in Alaska.
Letter on Self-Liquidating Public Works.
Letter on the Refugee Problem.
Letter on Resale Price-Fixing Legislation in the District of Columbia.
The President Takes Measures to Expand the Economic Cooperation Between Nicaragua and the United States.
Telegram on the Coal Wage Dispute.
Letter Requesting a Study of the Problem of Idle Money.
Withdrawal of the Nomination of Thomas R. Amlie for the Interstate Commerce Commission
Approval of Purchase of Low-Bid Canned Argentine Beef.
Advice to the Young Democratic Clubs of America.
Letter on Sugar Legislation.
Letter Acknowledging the Award of the American Hebrew Medal.
Letter to the Presidents of C.I.O. and A.F. of L.
Letter on a Federal Planning Agency.
Letter on the Role of the Senate in Confirming Presidential Appointments.
Letter Requesting Funds to Expand the Air Force.
Letter to the National Aviation Forum.
Letter Recommending Reorganization of the Federal Communications Commission.
Letter on the Stabilization Fund and Fixing the Metallic Content of the Dollar.
Letter on Fund Raising for Infantile Paralysis.
Letter on the Florida Ship Canal and the Passamaquoddy Bay Project.
Letter of Invitation to the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Letter on the Sixth Observance of Brotherhood Day.
Letter on Aid to Spanish Civilians.
Letter on Scholarships for Refugees from Germany.
Letter on the Federal Housing Administration
Letter on Employment by the WPA of Social Security Recipients.
Letter of Congratulations to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.