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Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Report on Strip and Surface Mining.
Lyndon B. Johnson
The President's Telegram to His Daughter Luci on the Birth of His Grandson Patrick Lyndon Nugent.
Letter Requesting a Study of the Status and Needs of American Museums.
Letter to Senator Mansfield on the Situation in the Middle East.
Exchange of Memorial Day Messages With Chairman Thieu of the Republic of Vietnam.
Letter to the Secretary, HEW, Delegating Authority in Connection With the Worldwide Drug Reaction Monitoring System.
Letter to the President of the Senate Requesting Supplemental Appropriations for Summer Youth Programs.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Urging Further Extension of the "No Strike" Period in the Railroad Dispute
Telegram to the Governors Inviting Them to a Luncheon Honoring General Westmoreland.
Letter to Ho Chi Minh Proposing Bilateral Discussions on the Vietnam Conflict.
Letter to Harry S. Truman on the 20th Anniversary of the Truman Doctrine.
Letter Concerning the Progress Report by the Federal Woman's Award Study Group.
Letter to Senator Jackson Concerning the Bombing of North Vietnam.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Executive Order 11322 "Trade and Other Transactions Involving Southern Rhodesia."
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Proposal To Modernize the Patent System.
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce Concerning a Report on the Environmental Science Services Administration.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker Proposing To Add the San Rafael Wilderness, California, to the National Wilderness Preservation System
Letter on Law Enforcement in the District of Columbia.
Letter to the Speaker of the House Requesting Supplemental Appropriations in Support of Military Operations in Southeast Asia.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Recommending Extension of the Appalachian Program.
Letter Accepting Resignation of John T. Connor as Secretary of Commerce.
Letter to Representative Dulski on Mail Service to Vietnam.
Letter in Response to a Report on the Federally Assisted Summer School Programs for Disadvantaged Children.
Letter to Dr. James Perkins on Preparations for an International Conference on Education.
Birthday Telegram to Former Vice President John Nance Garner.
Cable to the Acting Attorney General Directing Him To Seek an Injunction in the General Electric Company Labor Disputes.
Telegram to the President of Mexico on the Lower Rio Grande Salinity Problem.
Letter to the Attorney General in Response to a Progress Report on the Bureau of Prisons' Work Release Program.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury in Response to His Report on Management Improvements in the Coast Guard.
Letter to the Parents of Five Sons Currently on Active Duty in the Marine Corps.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker on Combat Pay Tax Exemption for Officers.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker Transmitting Report of Task Force on Federal Flood Control Policy.
Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture in Response to Report on Management Improvements in the Forest Service.
Telegram to the Chancellor of the University of Texas Following the Mass Shooting on the University Campus
Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture on the School Lunch Demonstration Program.
Letter to the Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency, Commending the Agency's Record in Cost Reduction, Safety, and Service.
Letter to Secretary Gardner on the Opening of the First Educational Laboratories for the Improvement of the Nation's School Systems
Telegram to the Director, American Hospital Association, on Preparations for Medicare.
Letters on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Federal Food and Drug Act of 1906.
Letter Assigning to HEW Responsibility for Developing a Computer-Based File on Toxic Chemicals.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Need for a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Letter to the Governor of Alaska on the Completion of the Last Major Step in the Transition to Statehood.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Proposed Election Reform Act of 1966.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Requesting Increased Borrowing Authority for TVA.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting the National Oceanographic Program for Fiscal Year 1967
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Proposing Establishment of the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Summary of the National Atmospheric Sciences Program, Fiscal Year 1967
Letter to the U.S. National Chairman for United Nations Day.
Telegram on the Death of Louis A. Johnson
Letter to New Members of the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill Encouraging the Substitution of Private for Public Credit
Letter to Secretary Gardner Requesting a Progress Report on Preparations for Launching Medicare.
Letter to Archbishop Lucey Presenting Him With a Memory Book Recording the Occasion of His 50th Anniversary Luncheon.
Letter Concerning Construction of Freeways in the District of Columbia
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Requesting Extension of the Medicare Enrollment Deadline
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Report "A Ten-Year Program of Federal Water Resources Research."
Letter to Secretary Gardner on the Achievements of the Federal-State Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Proposing the Establishment of an American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
Letter to the Chairman, House Committee on Banking and Currency, on Receiving a Forecast of Business Investment Plans.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Proposing Establishment of a National Visitor Center in the Nation's Capital