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Letter to the Administrator, National Capital Transportation Agency.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Report on Earthquake Recovery Assistance to Alaska
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Approving an Increase in the Interest Rate on Series E and H Savings Bonds.
Letter to the Speaker Requesting Supplemental Appropriations for the National Teacher Corps, the Rent Supplement Program, and the Selective Service System
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, on Transoceanic Air Routes.
Telegram to the Director, Office of Cost Reduction, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Letter to the Postmaster General on Accelerated Mail Delivery for Servicemen in Vietnam and the Pacific Area.
Reply to a Letter From a Group of Senators Relating to the Situation in Vietnam.
Reply to a Letter From a Group of House Members Relating to the Situation in Vietnam.
Letter to the Speaker Transmitting Proposed Supplemental Appropriations in Support of Operations in Southeast Asia.
Letter to the Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means, Urging Prompt Action on Pending Tax Proposals.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Need for Higher Interest Rates on U.S. Savings Bonds.
Letter to the Postmaster General Approving Recommendations for Improving Postal Services.
The President's Telegram to Admiral Nimitz on Hearing of His Illness.
The President's Telegram Greeting Carl Sandburg on His 88th Birthday.
Telegram to Senator Saltonstall Following His Announcement That He Would Not Seek Reelection.
Letters to the Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 Astronauts After the Successful Completion of Their Mission.
Telegram to the Administrator, NASA, Following the Meeting in Space of Gemini 6 and Gemini 7.
Letter to Secretary Fowler Approving the Recommendations of the Cabinet Committee on Balance of Payments.
Telegram to May Craig Upon the Announcement of Her Retirement
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Need for Quality and Excellence in Government.
Telegram to the New Amir of Kuwait on the Death of His Brother, Shaikh Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah.
Telegram Greeting John Nance Garner on His 97th Birthday.
Letter Establishing a Task Force on the Impact of the Cuban Refugee Program.
Letter Requesting a Study of Racial Isolation as a Barrier to Quality in Education.
Telegram to General Eisenhower Wishing Him an Early Recovery.
Telegram to General Eisenhower on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday.
Letter Commending Federal and Local Groups Participating in an Urban Renewal Project in New York City.
Letter Authorizing the Secretary, HEW, To Undertake a Joint United States-Japan Medical Research Program.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site.
Letter to the Recipient of the First Home Improvement Grant Under the New Housing Act.
Letter to the Nation's First Social Security Beneficiary Informing Her of Increased Benefits.
Letter in Response to Report of the Committee on the Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmament.
Letter to the Chairman, House Committee on the District of Columbia.
Letters to Participants in the Dominican Republic Negotiations.
Telegram to Dr. Albert Schweitzer.
Letter to Secretary General U Thant at the Second United Nations World Population Conference in Belgrade.
Letter to the Speaker Urging House Action on the Immigration Bill.
Telegram to the Reverend Richard Morrisroe Expressing Hope for His Recovery.
Telegram to Mrs. Philip Daniels on the Death of Her Son Jonathan, a Theological Student.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Earthquake Recovery Assistance to Alaska.
Excerpt of Letter to the Members of the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice.
Telegram to General Eisenhower on the 91st Anniversary of the Birth of Herbert Hoover.
Letter Accepting Proposal for the Establishment of a Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin.
Letter to the Speaker Urging Consideration of the D.C. Home Rule Bill by the House of Representatives.
Letter to the Secretary of State on Social Science Research in Foreign Areas.
Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations Expressing Confidence in Ambassador Goldberg and Emphasizing U.S. Willingness To Negotiate on Viet-Nam
Letter Accepting Resignation of Anthony J. Celebrezze as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Letter to the Members of the President's Commission on Crime in the District of Columbia.
Letter to the Postmaster General Requesting the Issuance of an Adlai Stevenson Commemorative Stamp.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Proposed Teaching Professions Bill.
Letter Concerning the Issuance of a Commemorative Stamp Marking the 700th Anniversary of the Birth of Dante Alighieri.
Letter to Mrs. Francis A. Cherry on the Death of Her Husband
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Report on the Development of the Passamaquoddy-St. John River Basin
Letter to the Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, on the Transfer to the Institution of the Original Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bills To Improve Highway Beauty.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Federal Water Resources Research Program.
Letter to Adlai Stevenson Approving Appointments to the Board of Trustees, Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation.
Letter in Response to Report on U.S. Trade Relations With East European Countries and the Soviet Union.
Letter in Response to Report on the Second National Conference of Federal Executive Board Chairmen.