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Fact Sheet: General Michael V. Hayden: Extremely Well Qualified to Lead the CIA
George W. Bush
Fact Sheet: Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
Setting the Record Straight: USA Today's Misleading Medicare Story
Fact Sheet: General Michael V. Hayden: The Right Leader for the CIA
Setting the Record Straight: The ABA Finds Brett Kavanaugh Is "Indeed Qualified to Serve on the Federal Bench"
Fact Sheet: Brett M. Kavanaugh: Nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Fact Sheet: Darfur Agreement: A Step toward Peace
Fact Sheet: Economic Growth Continues - More Than 5.2 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
Setting the Record Straight: GAO's Inaccurate, Incomplete, And Outdated Medicare Report
Fact Sheet: Growing Our Economy: Keeping Taxes Low and Restraining Spending