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Remarks to President Ford Committee Volunteers in Ft. Lauderdale
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at a Chamber of Commerce Dinner in Nashua, New Hampshire
Remarks During a Visit to the President Ford Committee Headquarters
Remarks in a Question and Answer Session at the National Democratic Issues Conference in Louisville, Kentucky
Jimmy Carter
Remarks at a Republican Party Rally in Milwaukee
Remarks at a Republican Party Leadership Rally in Minneapolis
Address to the Washington Press Club in Washington, DC
Address to the American Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan
Remarks at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks to the National Wildlife Federation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Address Announcing Candidacy for the Democratic Presidential Nomination at the National Press Club in Washington, DC
Remarks at a Rally at the Atlanta Civic Center
Remarks in Salt Lake City, Utah
Remarks in Grand Junction, Colorado
Remarks in Wichita, Kansas
Remarks at Fresno, California
Remarks at Sioux City, Iowa
Remarks in Los Angeles, California
Remarks at a Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Remarks at Calvin College in Grand Rapids
Remarks at the Iowa State House, Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks at a Rally in Oklahoma City
Remarks in Rock Hill, South Carolina
Remarks at Greensboro, North Carolina
Remarks at Spartanburg, South Carolina
Remarks in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Remarks at Lincoln, Nebraska
Remarks at the National Governors' Conference in Seattle, Washington
Law Day Address at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia
Remarks at a State Republican Rally in Phoenix, Arizona
Richard Nixon
Remarks at the National Press Club in Washington, DC
Remarks at a Presidential Election Victory Rally
Remarks on Being Reelected to the Presidency
Remarks in South Dakota Conceding the Presidential Election
George McGovern
Remarks on Election Eve
Radio Address: "The Birthright of an American Child"
Radio Address on Foreign Policy
Remarks at Albuquerque, New Mexico
Remarks at Ontario, California