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Remarks to the United Auto Workers Conference in Dubuque, Iowa
Barack Obama
Remarks via Satellite to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Convention
Hillary Clinton
Interview with Tim Russert on NBC News' "Meet the Press"
Veterans' Day Remarks at the State Historical Building in Des Moines, Iowa
John Edwards
Remarks at the Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Des Moines
Interview with National Journal's Linda Douglass
Excerpt of Remarks to Reporters in Dubuque, Iowa
Rudy Giuliani
Remarks at Saint Anselm's College in Manchester, New Hampshire: "A New Approach to Pakistan"
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks in Bettendorf, Iowa: "Reclaiming the American Dream"
Address at a Conference on Bio Economy in Ames, Iowa
John McCain
Remarks on Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Climate and Energy Challenge
Remarks at the University of Iowa in Iowa City: "Learning the Lesson of Iraq - A New Strategy for Iran"
Fred Thompson
Remarks in Spartanburg, South Carolina: "A Change We Can Believe In"
Remarks at the Granite State Independent Living Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire
Speech: Keeping Our Promise To Our Veterans And Military Families
Bill Richardson
Remarks in Manning, South Carolina: "A Challenge for Our Times"
Remarks on Student Activism at Wellesley College
Interview with Michael Gordon and Jeff Zeleny of The New York Times
Excerpt of an Interview on the Mike Gallagher Show
Excerpt of an Interview with Glenn Beck of Fox News
Excerpt of an Interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News
Excerpt of an Interview with Burnie Thompson of WYOO
Remarks at St. Anselm's College in Manchester, New Hampshire: "The Moral Test of Our Generation"
Excerpts of Remarks to Reporters in Midland, Texas
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa: "Renewing the Social Compact"
Excerpt of an Interview with Jan Mickelson of WHO
Mary Louise Smith Lecture at the Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University in Ames
Speech: A New Partnership With Latin America
Address at the Presidency IV Forum in Orlando, Florida
Remarks at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.
Address to the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC
Remarks to the Value Voters Summit
Address to the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit
Mitt Romney
Speech: Facing Down the Threats of the 21st Century
Excerpts of Remarks to the Club for Growth
Remarks in Manchester, New Hampshire on Helping Parents Balance Work & Family
Excerpts of Remarks to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of Remarks to the Republican Jewish Coalition 2008 Presidential Candidate's Forum in Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of Remarks to the Conservative Party of New York State Reception
Remarks in Keene, New Hampshire
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa: Lessons from Iraq
Speech on College Affordability at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire
Remarks to the NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation Seminar in Norfolk, Virginia
Remarks on Health Care in Des Moines, Iowa
Speech: Making America's Schools Work
Address to the Detroit Economic Club
Remarks in Webster City, Iowa
Remarks in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: "Real Leadership for a Clean Energy Future"
Remarks on Economic Blueprint for the 21st Century
Remarks at the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in Washington, D.C.
Speech: Hard Choices: The Responsible Way Forward for Iraq and our Military
Remarks at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC
Remarks in Chicago: "A New Beginning"
Address to the 2007 Hispanic Business Expo in Orlando, Florida
Remarks to the National Rifle Association's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC
Remarks at the Howard University Convocation in Washington, DC
Address to the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC