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Address to the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference
John McCain
Remarks at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference
Mitt Romney
Address to the National Rifle Association
Excerpts of Remarks to Reporters in London, England
Rudy Giuliani
Remarks in Washington, DC: "Tax Fairness for the Middle Class"
Barack Obama
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa on American Health Choices Plan
Hillary Clinton
Remarks in New York City: "Our Common Stake in America's Prosperity"
Remarks at the Harkin Steak Fry in Indianola, Iowa
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks to the NAACP in Charleston, South Carolina
Remarks in Advance of Bush Address on Iraq
Excerpts of Remarks to Reporters in Morgantown, West Virginia
Remarks in Clinton, Iowa: "Turning the Page in Iraq"
Address to the California Republican Party Convention
Remarks at Pace University in New York City: "A New Strategy Against Terrorism"
John Edwards
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa
Fred Thompson
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for President of the United States
Interview with Marc Bernier
Remarks at a Labor Day Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire
Address to the Midwest Leadership Conference
Address to the National Guard Association Of The United States in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Interview Including Elizabeth Edwards with Bob Schieffer on CBS News' "Face the Nation"
Speech at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire
Remarks in Hanover, New Hampshire: "To Build One America, End the Game"
Remarks in Kansas City, Missouri: "A Sacred Trust"
Prepared Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention
Address to the 108th National Convention Of The Veterans Of Foreign Wars in Kansas City, Missouri
Speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Speech: Creating A New American Century Of Prosperity
Bill Richardson
Remarks in Waukee, Iowa on Long-Term Care Insurance
Interview with Jim Axelrod on CBS News' "Face the Nation"
Mike Huckabee
Speech to the New Hampshire NEA
Remarks on Infrastructure
Speech: American Choices: Bill Richardson's Plan for Affordable Health Coverage for All Americans
Speech on Housing and the Mortgage Crisis
Address to the Cedar Rapids Rotary Club
Remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Address to the Lincoln Club's 45th Annual Dinner
Remarks in Washington, DC: "The War We Need to Win"
Excerpts of Remarks in a Town Hall Meeting In Rochester, New Hampshire
Speech: A Grand Strategy on Terrorism
Remarks to the Urban League
Remarks to the College Democrats of America in Columbia, South Carolina
Speech in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on the Green Building Fund
Remarks to the National Council of La Raza in Miami
Remarks in Washington, DC: "Changing the Odds for Urban America"
Remarks on the Senate Floor About the Levin-Reed Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2008
Address to the Christians United for Israel in Washington, DC
Excerpts of Remarks in Waterloo, Iowa
Excerpts of Remarks in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Speech: Women for Richardson Announcement
Address to the Concord Chamber of Commerce
Speech at the Temple for the Performing Arts in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks at the Young Republican National Convention
Excerpts of Remarks in Jacksonville, Florida
Remarks to the National Education Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
Excerpts of Remarks in Savannah, Georgia
Speech to the National Education Association
Speech: Engaging Iran -- No Preconditions, No Illusions
Remarks at the Center for a New American Security in Washington, DC