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Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest
George W. Bush
Proclamation 7904—National Maritime Day, 2005
Remarks in a Discussion on Strengthening Social Security in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks at the International Republican Institute Dinner
Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for John D. Negroponte as Director of National Intelligence and Michael V. Hayden as Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for Robert J. Portman as United States Trade Representative
Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Burma
Remarks at the Republican National Committee Dinner
Notice--Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Burma
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Convention on the Conservation and Management of the Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, With Annexes