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Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act
William J. Clinton
Remarks at a Unity '98 Dinner
Statement on House Action on the Census Amendment
Executive Order 13095—Suspension of Executive Order 13083
Remarks on the Anniversary of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
Statement on the Death of Arthur Barbieri
Statement on House Action on Credit Union Legislation
Remarks at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Dinner
Remarks on Summer Jobs Program Funding in Cheverly, Maryland
Statement on Congressional Action on Campaign Finance Reform Legislation
Remarks at a Saxophone Club Reception in East Hampton
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Reception in East Hampton
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in East Hampton, New York
Statement on Senate Action on Job Training Reform Legislation
Proclamation 7113—To Implement an Accelerated Schedule of Duty Elimination Under the North American Free Trade Agreement
Statement on Congressional Action on Job Training Reform Legislation
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Bill Richardson To Be Secretary of Energy
Remarks on the National Economy and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks to an Overflow Crowd in Raleigh