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Proclamation 7098—National Maritime Day, 1998
William J. Clinton
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Message to the Congress Reporting a Certification Required by the Ratification Resolution for the Protocols of Accession to NATO for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic
Remarks on Senate Ratification of the Protocols of Accession to NATO for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic
Remarks on Presenting the Commander in Chief's Trophy to the United States Air Force Academy Falcons
Message to the Congress Reporting Certifications Required by the Ratification Resolution for the Protocols of Accession to NATO for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic
Message to the Senate on Ratification of the Protocols of Accession to NATO for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Mexico-United States Extradition Treaty Protocol With Documentation
Statement on the Washington Conference on Humanitarian Demining
Remarks on Proposed Tobacco Legislation
Statement on the Resignation of President Soeharto of Indonesia
Statement on the Conclusion of the World Trade Organization Meeting
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Proposed Tobacco Legislation
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval Legislation on Public Education in the District of Columbia
Radio Remarks on the Northern Ireland Peace Accord Referendum
Radio Remarks on Cuban Independence Day
The President's News Conference With European Union Leaders in London, United Kingdom
Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Burma
United States/European Union Joint Statement on Caspian Energy
United States/European Union Joint Statement on Transatlantic Partnership on Political Cooperation