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Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Bill Lann Lee as Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights and an Exchange With Reporters
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 13070—The Intelligence Oversight Board, Amendment to Executive Order 12863
Remarks at "Christmas in Washington"
Remarks at the Arkansas Democratic National Committee Dinner
The President's Radio Address
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Additional Sanctions Against UNITA
Statement on the International Financial Services Agreement
Proclamation 7060—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Are Senior Officials of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola ("UNITA") and Adult Members of Their Immediate Families
Executive Order 13069—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to UNITA
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in Miami
Remarks to the Coast Guard in Miami, Florida
Statement on the Indictment of Henry G. Cisneros
Remarks at a Luncheon for Gubernatorial Candidate Buddy MacKay in Miami
Presidential Citizens Medal Citation for Elinor Guggenheimer
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Hispanic Dinner in New York City
Statement on the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change
Remarks to the Bronx Community in New York City
Remarks at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Dinner in New York City
Remarks on the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change and an Exchange With Reporters in New York City