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Remarks on Lighting the National Christmas Tree
George Bush
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Constantinos Mitsotakis of Greece
Remarks at a Fundraising Luncheon for Senator Frank H. Murkowski
Exchange With Reporters in the Cabinet Room
Message on the Observance of Christmas
Statement on the European Community Summit
Teleconference Remarks on the Kick-Off of Montana 2000 and Billings 2000
Memorandum on the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
Remarks to the Illinois Farm Bureau in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks to the Chicago Board of Trade in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in Chicago, Illinois
Statement on Signing Legislation To Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Native American Cultural Center
Remarks at a Briefing by the National Commission on AIDS
Proclamation 6390—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1991
Remarks on Signing the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991
Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Interview With Charles Bierbauer of CNN at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Remarks to World War II Veterans and Families in Honolulu, Hawaii
Remarks to the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association in Honolulu, Hawaii
Remarks at Half-Time During the Army-Navy Football Game