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Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
George Bush
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Mulroney of Canada in Kennebunkport, Maine
Proclamation 6328—Commodore John Barry Day, 1991
Memorandum on Eligibility of Congo To Be Furnished Defense Articles and Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act and the Arms Export Control Act
Memorandum on Eligibility of Burundi To Be Furnished Defense Articles and Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act and the Arms Export Control Act
Message Honoring Those Civilians Killed in Moscow During the Attempted Coup
Proclamation 6327—National Rehabilitation Week, 1991
Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine
Proclamation 6326—National Campus Crime and Security Awareness Week, 1991
The President's News Conference in Kennebunkport, Maine, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union
Proclamation 6325—National Park Week, 1991
Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union
Proclamation 6323—National Rice Month, 1991
Proclamation 6324—National Awareness Month for Children With Cancer, 1991
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union
Statement on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union
Remarks in a Teleconference With the National Governors' Association in Seattle, Washington
Statement on Signing the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1992