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Remarks Following Discussions With President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe
George Bush
Message to the Congress Reporting a Budget Deferral and Proposed Rescission
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the Ready Reserve
Remarks on the National Energy Strategy
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Cabinet Meeting
Proclamation 6316—Korean War Veterans Remembrance Week, 1991
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Take Pride in America Awards
Remarks at the Departure Ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Remarks at a Dinner Hosted By President Turgut Ozal in Istanbul, Turkey
Exchange With Reporters in Istanbul, Turkey
The President's News Conference With Turkish President Turgut Ozal in Ankara, Turkey
Toast at a State Dinner in Ankara, Turkey
Remarks at the Arrival Ceremony in Ankara, Turkey
Remarks at the Greek-American Chamber of Commerce Breakfast in Athens, Greece
Remarks to United States and Greek Armed Forces in Souda Bay, Crete
Exchange With Reporters in Athens, Greece
The President's News Conference With Greek Prime Minister Constantinos Mitsotakis in Athens, Greece
Remarks at the Arrival Ceremony in Athens, Greece