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Interview With Linda Douglas of KNBC, Jim Lampley of KCBS, and Paul Moyer of KABC in Los Angeles, California
George Bush
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Remarks at the California Institute of Technology Commencement Ceremony in Pasadena, California
Statement Reaffirming the Government-to-Government Relationship Between the Federal Government and Indian Tribal Governments
Proclamation 6306—Baltic Freedom Day, 1991 and 1992
Remarks on Childhood Immunization
Remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Hospital for Sick Children
Remarks on Signing the Baltic Freedom Day Proclamation
Statement on Signing the Bill Providing Humanitarian Assistance for Iraqi Refugees and Displaced Persons
Remarks at the Annual Republican Congressional Fundraising Dinner
Proclamation 6305—Pediatric Aids Awareness Week, 1991
Remarks Following Discussions With President Alfredo Cristiani Buckard of El Salvador and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on the Administration's Domestic Policy
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Alfredo Cristiani Buckard of El Salvador
Proclamation 6303—National Scleroderma Awareness Week, 1991
Proclamation 6304—Independence Day, 1991
Remarks in a Teleconference With the National Advertising Conference of the American Advertising Federation in Nashville, Tennessee
Remarks in a Teleconference With the Annual Meeting of the Public Broadcasting Service in Orlando, Florida
Remarks at the James H. Groves Adult High School Commencement Ceremony in Seaford, Delaware
Executive Order 12765—Delegation of Certain Defense Related Authorities of the President to the Secretary of Defense