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Letter to Congressional Leaders on Fast Track Authority Extension and the North American Free Trade Agreement
George Bush
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Meeting of the Society of Business Editors and Writers
Remarks on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Remarks at a White House Briefing on Fast Track Authority Extension
Remarks on Fast Track Authority Extension and an Exchange With Reporters
Proclamation 6284—Older Americans Month, 1991
Proclamation 6285—National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 1991
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the National Association of Farm Broadcasters
Proclamation 6283—Law Day, U.S.A., 1991
Remarks at an Arbor Day Tree-Planting Ceremony and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Points of Light Community Service Celebration
Remarks to the United States Academic Decathlon Winners
Memorandum on Modifications of the Generalized System of Preferences
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Trade With Czechoslovakia and Sudan
Presidential Determination No. 91 - 34 -- Memorandum on Assistance for Refugees from Tibet and Burma
Final Sequester Order
Proclamation 6280—National Day of Prayer, 1991
Proclamation 6281—National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 1991 and 1992
Proclamation 6282—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences
Remarks Following Discussions With President Hassan Gouled Aptidon of Djibouti and an Exchange With Reporters