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Proclamation 6139—World Trade Week, 1990
George Bush
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the "E" Star Awards
Remarks to the Council of the Americas
Proclamation 6137—National Maritime Day, 1990
Statement on Signing the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
Remarks at a Fundraising Breakfast for Gubernatorial Candidate David Frohnmayer in Portland, Oregon
Remarks to Members of Self Enhancement, Incorporated, in Portland, Oregon
Remarks to Oakwood Community Members in Los Angeles, California
Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony for the Police Memorial in Portland, Oregon
Exchange With Reporters During a Meeting With Representative Denny Smith in Portland, Oregon
Exchange With Reporters During a Meeting With Congressional Candidate Bob Williams in Portland, Oregon
Remarks at the University of Texas Commencement Ceremony in Austin
Memorandum on Determination to Authorize Assistance Through the Organization of American States for Nicaragua
Remarks at the Houston Economic Summit Headquarters and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Dinner in Dallas, Texas
Proclamation 6135—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1990
Remarks Following Discussions With Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany
Proclamation 6136—National Trauma Awareness Month, 1990
Remarks at a Meeting With the Commission on Civil Rights
The President's News Conference