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Executive Order 12703—Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Program
George Bush
Presidential Determination No. 90 - 10 -- Memorandum on Trade With Czechoslovakia
Message to the Congress on Trade With Czechoslovakia
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the Canada-United States Free-Trade Agreement
Proclamation 6096—National Visiting Nurse Associations Week, 1990
Proclamation 6097—258th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington
Proclamation 6098—Lithuanian Independence Day, 1990
Memorandum on Federalism
Statement on Signing the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991
The President's News Conference Following the Drug Summit in Cartagena, Colombia
Joint News Conference Following the Drug Summit in Cartagena, Colombia
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Negotiations on Agricultural Trade
Statement on the Drug Summit in Cartagena, Colombia
Declaration of Cartagena
Executive Order 12701—Amending Executive Order No. 12334
Remarks on Signing the Urgent Assistance for Democracy in Panama Act of 1990 and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Statement on Signing the Urgent Assistance for Democracy in Panama Act of 1990
Proclamation 6095—American Heart Month, 1990
Remarks on Signing the United Nations Convention Against Illegal Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Statement on Signing the United Nations Convention Against Illegal Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances