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Statement on the Meeting With Benjamin Hooks, Executive Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
George Bush
Proclamation 6088—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 1990
Remarks on Signing the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Proclamation
Remarks to the American Farm Bureau Federation in Orlando, Florida
Remarks Introducing the Presidential Lecture Series
The President's News Conference
Proclamation 6087—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Remarks on Signing the Proclamation Granting Special Trade Status to Poland
Executive Order 12699—Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Statement on Receiving the Report of the President's Advisory Committee on the Points of Light Initiative Foundation
Notice of the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Letter to Congressional Leaders on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Presidential Determination No. 90 - 6 -- Memorandum on Multilateral Loans to China
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Multilateral Loans to China
Proclamation 6085—Earth Day, 1990
Remarks on Signing the Earth Day Proclamation
Remarks Announcing the Surrender of General Manuel Noriega in Panama
Proclamation 6086—National Law Enforcement Training Week, 1990
Letter to Benjamin Hooks, Executive Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People