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Proclamation 6018—National Alcohol and Drug Treatment Month, 1989
George Bush
Address to Students on Drug Abuse
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the American Success Awards
Remarks at the Ceremony Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Department of the Treasury
Message on the Observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month, 1989
Remarks to the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks to the National Baptist Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks at the American Legion Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks to the Crew of United Air Lines Flight 232
Remarks at the Ceremony Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Baltimore, Maryland
The President's News Conference on the National Drug Control Strategy
Designation of Evan J. Kemp, Jr., as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Exchange With Reporters on the National Drug Control Strategy
Remarks at a Meeting With Foreign Ambassadors and State and Local Leaders on the National Drug Control Strategy
Proclamation 6015—National Check-Up Week, 1989
Remarks to Reporters on the National Drug Control Strategy
Proclamation 6016—Uncle Sam Day, 1989
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Transmitting the National Drug Control Strategy Report
Address to the Nation on the National Drug Control Strategy
Statement on the Death of Baseball Commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti