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Message to the Congress on Trade With Hungary and China
George Bush
The President's News Conference Following the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Summit Meeting in Brussels
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Communique: A Comprehensive Concept of Arms Control and Disarmament
Statement on the Death of Representative Claude Pepper
Remarks at the American School in Brussels
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following Discussions With Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Toast at a Dinner Hosted by Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Declaration of the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels
Remarks Announcing a Conventional Arms Control Initiative and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Brussels
Remarks Upon Arrival at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Summit Meeting in Brussels
Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony in Nettuno, Italy
Remarks to the American Embassy Employees and Their Families in Rome
Remarks to Students at the American Seminary in Vatican City
Toast at a Dinner Hosted by Prime Minister Ciriaco De Mita in Rome
Remarks Following an Audience With Pope John Paul II in Vatican City
Remarks Upon Departure for Europe
Statement on United States Action Against Foreign Trade Barriers
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony in Rome
Designation of Linda Arey Skladany as Acting Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Remarks at the United States Coast Guard Academy Commencement Ceremony in New London, Connecticut