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Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following a Cabinet Meeting
George Bush
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Reports on Highway and Motor Vehicle Safety
Proclamation 5938—American Red Cross Month, 1989
Statement on the United Nations Human Rights Commission Report on Cuba
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Roh Tae Woo in Seoul
Remarks to the National Assembly in Seoul
Remarks Upon Returning From a Trip to the Far East
Remarks at Chongmenwen Christian Church in Beijing
Remarks to American Embassy Employees in Beijing
Interview With Chinese Television Journalists in Beijing
The President's News Conference in Tokyo
Toast at the Welcoming Banquet in Beijing
Remarks to Armed Forces Personnel at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska
The President's News Conference
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Switzerland-United States Social Security Agreement
Proclamation 5937—American Heart Month, 1989
Executive Order 12669—Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
Letter to Congressional Committee Chairmen Transmitting the Report on Appropriations for Strategic Weapons
Remarks to Students at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri