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Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Governors' Association in Cincinnati, Ohio
Ronald Reagan
Remarks to the Employees of United States Precision Lens, Inc., in Cincinnati, Ohio
Designation of William Barclay Allen as Chairman of the Commission on Civil Rights
Radio Address to the Nation on the Veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Secretary of the Treasury and the Nomination of Nicholas F. Brady
Message to the Congress on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic Action Plan
Letter Accepting the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Secretary of the Treasury
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Indonesia-United States Convention on Taxation
Memorandums on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic
Proclamation 5844—Thanksgiving Day, 1988
Remarks on the Veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989, and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989
Remarks to Media Executives at a White House Briefing on Nicaragua
Statement on the Senate's Approval of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
Executive Order 12647—Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Statement on the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
Statement Announcing a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic Action Plan
Remarks Congratulating the Eastern High School Choir
Proclamation 5843—Helsinki Human Rights Day, 1988
Statement on Proposed Legislation to Amend the Fair Housing Act